Classic to Epic

Classic to Epic

As my daughter enters her teen years, it is only fitting that I reflect on a conversation my youngest boy had with me a few weeks ago.
They had been given a task in children service which involved designing a vehicle of some sort, when they came home my 7 year old was showing me the design for himself and his big brother.
These were the words he used, he said ‘ mummy my design is classic and Kurtis’ is epic ‘ he said this with some sadness and regret so I said to him but classic is very good’. To which he replied that although classic is good, epic is where he rather be. He went on to explain to me that his brother had added a lot of extras to his basic design to turn it into an epic design.

Basic instinct
Recently I was thinking of this conversation and realised how relevant that is to our lives, you see even in our faith, we are encouraged to add on to the basic,( salvation) knowledge, faith etc until we become epic. Whatever that comes naturally to us, whatever your talents or interest are, it is usually presented in the basic or to use my sons word classic form.  That’s what we call the  potential, it is our basic ability, our instinct,  then it is up to us to add on the extras, the skills to become epic.  Although classic is good and needs to be celebrated and used, we should not desire to stay here for ever, we should aim to add and build on theses skills to take it to the Epic level.

Let me paint you another picture, when we are building a house, the foundation is very important, a lot of work goes into, still it will be a surprise if someone were to pack their bags and move into the foundation with no building. Yes they may move into a caravan on the site but never into the open foundation, why? Because it is meant t to be added unto, to be turned into a roofed building at the least. A basic structure we can move in of a necessity, but usually with the view to add on to it in the near future.

Whatever that has been gifted to us, a good singing voice, a writing ability, a leadership potential, an ability to act, parenting, whatever it may be, we have the ability  to take it from Classic  to Epic.

Usually our basic inherent ability is gifted to us,either thorough DNA or just by devine orchestration but to take it to Epic, we need to put in some work. We need to study, we need to submit ourselves to learning. We need to invest time and resources and to remain teachable, adaptable so as to remain relevant . If we are gifted with children whether through biology or by virtue of our work and callings, then here too we have the responsibility to help nature them to discover their classic talents and help them take it to the Epic level. I say cheers to kiron for teaching me this lesson and
Happy  birthday to my daughter.

I celebrate with you too whatever the occasion may be, including those celebrating the life of a loved one that is no longer with us.
For your consideration

Author: simplygyaps

Iam a child of God, a wife of 1 man, mum to 4 kids, a go to person, love building relationships. I believe in inside out kind of living, what goes on on the inside will eventually show up on the outside.

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